Response to David Pressman’s criticism
Author: Sovereignty Protection Office

In a recent speech, US Ambassador David Pressman harshly attacked Hungary’s National Sovereignty Protection Act and the Sovereignty Protection Office.

We would like to draw the attention of Ambassador Pressman to the fact that the US sovereignty protection act (Foreign Agents Registration Act) can identify as a foreign agent anyone who engages in political activities within the country for foreign principals, acts as a public relations counsel, publicity agent, information service employee, or political consultant; collects money or other things of value, and contributions. The Act requires them to register, labels them as foreign agents, and threatens those who break the law with heavy fines and up to five years' imprisonment.

It can be seen that the U.S. legislation is stricter than the Hungarian law in all respects. However, the Office, unlike Ambassador Pressman, would never have the courage to criticise the US government, its legislation or its sovereignty protection measures, since these are the concern of US citizens only. It is nonetheless reasonable to expect the same behaviour from the U.S. ambassador.